Midland Times

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Cupid's Corner: A Valentine’s story for the ages

Their first encounter was what dreams are made of.

Cupid’s Corner: From friendship to forever

We met through a mutual friend through college, I liked him from the very beginning, but he didn’t notice. He was funny, kind and I was a very shy person, He also had a crush on another girl. She was not interested but liked the attention. We would hang out with mutual friends. I didn’t talk much but he always knew how to get me to laugh. Eventually he made me comfortable talking more, I wanted him to think of me more than a friend, I would come over just to talk to him about anything and everything, his parents loved me instantly.

Cupid’s Corner: A love that grew from the start

Juan & Clarissa knew each other since kindergarten! Where Juan was already working his way in, by talking to Clarissa’s parents every time they had school lunches with her!

Cupid’s Corner: A love story written in the stars

My name is Melanie Kennedy, I met my husband Lane through my brother.

Cupid's Corner: Long distance love

My name is Ashley Nava. I met my husband in 2015. I met him through Facebook. I lived in Long Island, New York. My husband Robert Nava lived in Midland Texas.

Cupid’s Corner: A love that stands the test of time

My name is Gorge Onate. My wife and I are 36 and 38 years old. We met when we were 18 and 19, working at Super Mercado in Midland.

Cupid’s Corner: A Love meant to be

I’m Kim Neice. It was 2011 in a very small town in eastern Kentucky. I was working in a beauty salon when he walked in for a haircut and changed my life. We started dating, I met his kids, and it felt like we had always been a family. I can’t remember what my life was like before God brought us together.

Cupid’s Corner: Our love story

Long ago and far away in a land called “Central Texas,” there lived a young man named Tommy and a girl I will call Nancy.

Cupid’s Corner: A love forged in duty and devotion

My name is Alexis Negron and my husband, David Negron, and I have been together since I was the bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding and he was the best man. We were married a short five months later, before he deployed for his fourth time.

Cupid’s Corner: A love that grows stronger

I am Ellesah and my girlfriend of 4 years and counting has been the greatest gift I could have ever gotten.

Cupid’s Corner: Fate knew best

This story starts way back in the 90’s…1992--1993 to be exact.