Cupid's Corner: Long distance love

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My name is Ashley Nava. I met my husband in 2015. I met him through Facebook.

I lived in Long Island, New York. My husband Robert Nava lived in Midland Texas.

We had a long distance relationship . I was never going to message him because he lived far away but a friend of mine encouraged me to message him. We were not looking for love. We started out as friends but in two months we started dating. We had a long distance relationship for two years.

I would travel to see him and on November 4th of 2017, I officially moved to Midland TX. I was scared because I had no family here and I never met his family either. So I was jumping into this head on.

Then on November 9th of 2017 days after I moved we got married. We were two crazy kids in love.

I was 20 when we got married and my husband was 21. On that day I officially met his whole family and we moved into his parents’ home. We lived with them for three years. Then we got a home and moved on our own.

We are still very in love and I wouldn't change anything. Our marriage isn't perfect but who's marriage is? We had curveballs thrown at us throughout our marriage, including three miscarriages. But the light of our tunnel is that I got pregnant again and we will be new parents this year in March–and we will have been together for nine years as well.

We have gotten stronger and stronger in this marriage and I love this man so much.