A Love Story of God and His Beloved
Once upon a time, in a world darkened by pain and deception, a beloved daughter wandered, searching for love, safety, and belonging. Her name was Shanadora, and from the moment of her birth, she was caught in a battle she did not choose. This was a battle between truth and lies, love and betrayal, light and darkness.
Her early years were marked by confusion. The ones who were meant to protect her spoke in contradictions, leaving her heart fractured with trust issues too heavy for a child to carry. The enemy, the thief who comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, wove his deception around her like chains, binding her in fear and doubt. Yet, even in the midst of suffering, the King of Glory was watching, waiting, preparing to rescue His precious one.
As she grew, so did the wounds upon her heart. She longed for security, for a place where she was seen, known, and loved. But instead, she was met with hands that harmed rather than healed, with words that tore rather than mended. Seeking escape, she turned to the fleeting comforts of this evil world. Substances, rebellion, and reckless abandon. If love would not find her, she would chase after something to numb the pain.
Yet, in her wilderness, the Lover of her soul pursued her. Though she could not see it then, He was there when she walked the lonely streets, when she fought battles with fists and fury, when she surrendered her body to the chains of addiction and shame. He was whispering His love over her, even when she could not yet hear it.
But the enemy is no match for the One who redeems. The moment came when Jesus stepped in. He didn’t step in as a distant Savior, but as the Bridegroom who had never stopped loving her. He looked upon her, not with condemnation, but with fire in His eyes, a love so relentless that it melted every chain and shattered every lie.
With hands still stained from the past, she reached out to Him, expecting judgment. Instead, He clothed her in white. “You are mine,” He declared, “and I have loved you with an everlasting love”. The blood that once marked her with guilt was replaced by the blood of the Lamb, washing her clean, making her new.
The journey was not easy. The battle between old wounds and new life raged on, but she was no longer alone. Her Bridegroom was by her side, fighting for her, declaring her victorious. “You are no longer forsaken,” He whispered, “but you shall be called My Delight”.
Shanadora, once bound in darkness, arose as a daughter crowned in glory. No longer a slave, but a bride. No longer an outcast, but a chosen one. The years of addiction became a testimony of deliverance. The years of betrayal became a story of redemption. The years of shame became a song of triumph.
She now walks in the light of His love, a radiant bride adorned for her King, waiting for the day when He will come again. Until then, she lives as a beacon of hope, proclaiming to the world:
There is a Love that never fails, a King who redeems, and a Bridegroom who always comes for His beloved.
Broken Vessels Ministries
Chasity Walkos