Cupid's Corner: We’ve come a little ways

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We’ve Come a Little Ways By Nicole B Roberts | Community Submission

We’ve Come a Little Ways

By Nicole B Roberts

We've come a little ways from the days
of empty arms
and beds warmed by memories
instead of bodies. 

We've come a little ways from the days
where anxious faith was the only currency,
and love cost way too much
to not take it seriously. 

We've come a little ways from the days of growing bellies,
latching babies,
and bankrolled kisses between hitches. 

We've come a little ways from the days
where absence purified presence
and made both holy. 

But, because we've come a little ways
from the price we paid,
I sometimes forget how expensive it was,
until you leave for a day or two
and I ache again for you. 

And I remember...
It's the cost that creates the value.
It's the ache that makes the love.
It's the loneliness
that lines togetherness in gold.