My name is Melanie Kennedy, I met my husband Lane through my brother. At the time in early 2021 I was living in California and Lane in San Angelo, but working for my brother in Midland. My brother was our matchmaker and even had a speech at our wedding as “the matchmaker”. Lane had messaged me in April (per my brothers request) and I waited until end of May to finally reply. I should have replied sooner because we really hit it off. We talked daily on phone and FaceTime and messaged as well. He was supposed to come visit and meet me in person in October, but we couldn’t wait that long and he came out in July. On that trip I showed him so many things in California, mountains were the most fascinating to him, and we made it official long distance knowing I’d be moving to Midland by the end of the year. We visited back and forth every month with elaborate countdowns between each trip. His second trip to California in October was when we truly fell in love. By then he was in the process of buying a house in Midland, which he later told me was for us and not just him since he knew I was the one. I was getting all my moving plans in order and moved into an apartment in Midland that November. We spent all our first holidays together and welcomed in a new year, 2022. This was the year we got engaged in June on a family trip to Port Aransas. We also went on many trips all over Texas, rescued two pups, moved in together when my lease ended, celebrated all the holidays and welcomed in another new year, 2023. This was the year we got married, we honeymooned, we went on more trips, we grew together and welcomed in another new year, 2024. This was the year we bought our first home together in preparation for starting our family, I found out I was pregnant in June, and we welcomed in another year, 2025. This is the year we brought our baby girl into the world who was originally due on Valentine’s Day but made an early appearance two weeks ago.
Cupid’s Corner: A love story written in the stars

Cupid’s Corner: A love story written in the stars | Community Submission