OPINION: Writer Returns to Writing Columns in Midland Times News

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Shanna (Sissom) Iverson, Column Journalist for Midland Times News | Shanna (Sissom) Iverson

Greetings, fellow Midlanders. It’s been over a decade since I’ve written a column, but how exciting is this opportunity to be small part of such a positive news organization.

Long-time residents of our dynamic city may remember columns  and news stories from my days at the Midland Reporter- Telegram, where Midland Times Operation Manager Kim Delapena and I worked in different departments. Those were the good old days when my dear friend, the late journalist extraordinaire and unforgettable character Ed Todd, was still among us. Kim’s (gentle) persistence in recent months caused me to realize I miss writing about random acts of kindness by Midlanders from all walks of life, interesting fur baby stories, light-hearted opinion pieces and such. So, I’m stepping out of full-time, early retirement to occasionally contribute here.

As a no-nonsense, decades-long and old school journalist, I find major network news slanted and divisive in whatever direction suits them. Of course, right now, “real news” in an election cycle is stressful and sometimes downright disgusting. (Don’t get me wrong, I follow polling daily,) but sometimes we all need a break. Perhaps that is why my first online “contribution” (if it can be called that,) of short video featuring a local chicken walking on leash, received a few thousand views in the Midland Times online edition. It brought laughter to chicken’s owner, retired Midland pharmacist Karen Coffman, and many others. (She even heard about it at church on Sunday.) Not sure if it came from the pulpit.

Seems Cordelia the chicken brought sorely needed comic relief. (Please know I am eager to hear from any reader who can successfully walk a cat on a leash.) Yours truly looks forward to knowing our readers better, hearing from those who love our community and sharing your stories about life in Midland.

We will do our best in this space to avoid negative remarks about rude drivers coming through town and never-ending road construction.

Please know I am more than capable of writing “real” news stories, and will do so occasionally, just not in this space. Right now, I really want to find a cat walking on a leash!

Until next time, God’s blessings to you all.