Shanna (Sissom) Iverson Joins The Midland Times

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Photo on the left to right, Shanna (Sissom) Iverson early days at the Midland Reporter Telegram and a more recent photo. | Shanna (Sissom) Iverson

Shanna (Sissom) Iverson, a journalist with over two decades of experience, is joining the Midland Times as a columnist. Iverson, known to many as the former city editor and columnist for the Midland Reporter-Telegram, built a career in multiple facets of the news industry. Her work has earned her press association awards and respect in the journalism community.

"I am honored to be a small part of this distinguished, growing news organization,” Iverson said, about the Midland Times. 

Iverson made Midland her home 23 years ago after a career covering news in three states. A graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University, she holds a degree in communication with concentrations in journalism and business. She began her career as a civil law journal editor and expanded her beat to cover city council meetings, trials, and community issues. Her experience includes interviews with five governors and many other elected officials, as well as supervising reporting teams across different states. Her passion is telling the stories of the Midland community.

Iverson, her husband, Siegfried J. “Trey” Iverson III, and their four "fur babies" live in Midland. Though she refers to herself as a “rancher-woman,” her friends know her as a dedicated writer and community member. With her return to journalism, she will bring her passion for storytelling to our growing news operation.