Midland student balances large family life while pursuing business education

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Dr. Damon Kennedy President at Midland College | Official website

When Oliver Robnett prepares lunch for his younger siblings, he makes 11 sandwiches. "We go through a loaf of bread each day," he said. "It's pretty wild around my house. There are a total of 14 children including me. I'm the third oldest. My two older sisters are no longer living in the house, but my parents have a long way to go before the youngest, who is 4, leaves the house."

Robnett's parents, Dila and Judge Jeff Robnett, adopted most of their children. Oliver is one of only three biological children in the family. The couple first adopted a child from a friend of Dila's sister who couldn't keep the baby and continued to adopt more children in need of homes.

In an interview with NewsWest 9 in January 2023, Judge Robnett expressed concern about children growing up without families. Dila added that after adopting their first child, they felt guided by faith to adopt more. Some adopted children are biological siblings whom the Robnetts wanted to keep together.

Currently, there are 13 people living in their two-story home along with four dogs and two cats. "It never seemed odd to me," said Oliver, now 19 years old. "When people find out I have 13 brothers and sisters and they start asking me questions, I realize that it probably is a little strange." He explained that they all have assigned responsibilities at home.

Oliver graduated from Midland High School in 2023 among the top ten percent of his class and is now pursuing a business degree at Midland College. "I chose Business because I like math and want a degree that encompasses a broad range of career possibilities," he stated.

Statistics support Oliver's choice; according to a Job Outlook Survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, eight out of ten degrees most sought after by employers fall under business disciplines such as finance, accounting, marketing, and management.

Although undecided on which specific field within business to pursue, Oliver plans to stay local for his education—either completing his Bachelor's degree at the University of Texas Permian Basin or continuing at Midland College for a Bachelor’s in Organizational Management.

"Right now, I'm leaning toward going into public service after I get a bachelor's degree," Oliver mentioned about his future aspirations.

Outside academics, Oliver enjoys playing guitar and bass guitar while aspiring to learn keyboard through music theory classes at college. His hobbies also include gardening and spending time with family.

Midland College offers various programs for students exploring educational opportunities; their Welcome Center provides general information for those interested.