Midland College joins association to enhance workforce-focused degree offerings

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Dr. Damon Kennedy President at Midland College | Official website

Midland College has announced its membership in the Community College Baccalaureate Association (CCBA), a national organization that promotes workforce-focused baccalaureate degree opportunities at community colleges. This move aligns with Midland College's goal of providing accessible and career-relevant education for both students and the local workforce.

The CCBA advocates for expanding baccalaureate degree programs at community colleges, offering students broader access to four-year degrees in high-demand fields. As a member, Midland College will gain access to research, publications, best practices, and legislative guidance to support the development of its own baccalaureate programs.

"We are excited to be part of this national movement," said Midland College Provost Dr. Michael Dixon. "Our membership in the CCBA will enable us to expand and refine our existing baccalaureate programs and explore new opportunities for students to earn applied baccalaureate degrees locally. This is a critical step in our focus on world-class technical training, which is one of seven pillars in our strategic plan, ensuring that MC graduates are prepared for the demands of today’s job market."

Membership also provides Midland College with access to experienced consultants who specialize in designing baccalaureate programs that meet regional and national workforce needs. These consultants will assist the college as it develops initiatives aligned with industries such as healthcare, energy, technology, and business.

“Joining CCBA will provide Midland College faculty and staff with great opportunities for enhanced knowledge and resources that will improve our ability to provide the Midland community with accessible, high-quality education to address our workforce needs,” said Dr. Son Mai, MC’s Associate Professor of Organizational Management and Business Studies Program Chair.

The addition of these workforce-focused baccalaureate programs aims to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in key sectors. It allows students to earn advanced degrees without transferring to a four-year university. This initiative supports MC’s mission to offer affordable, high-quality education tailored to student needs and local economic demands.

For those interested in exploring what Midland College offers, the Welcome Center provides general information about available programs.