TxDOT seeks public input on record $100 billion plan for projects across the state

Public Policy
Marc williams
Executive Director Marc D. Williams | www.txdot.gov

As the population surge continues to impact Texas, the state's Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is taking strides to address the transportation needs of the growing communities. TxDOT has recently unveiled a 10-year transportation plan, and now, it is seeking public input on the proposed projects that will shape the state's transportation landscape.

Known as the 2024 Unified Transportation Program (UTP), the draft plan represents a historic $100 billion investment, surpassing the previous year's allocation by $15 billion. This significant increase in funding is attributed to the growth in revenues generated from Proposition 1, which was enacted during the 2015 legislative session. The proposition dedicates oil and gas severance fees to fund highway improvements.

The UTP plays a role as TxDOT's roadmap for transportation development across the state. By engaging with transportation partners and soliciting public feedback, the department aims to prioritize projects that will alleviate traffic congestion and enhance safety.

The proposed projects encompass a range of initiatives, spanning safety improvements, better connectivity, congestion management, and road preservation for the benefit of Texas drivers. Moreover, the UTP goes beyond roads and highways, also encompassing public transportation, maritime, aviation, rail, freight, international trade, and bicycle and pedestrian connectivity.

To facilitate public participation, TxDOT is hosting virtual public meetings on July 6 at 2 p.m. (CST) and a virtual public hearing on July 25 at 2 p.m. Individuals can join these sessions via phone or through the TxDOT Public Involvement platform online.

The public comment period for the draft 2024 UTP will extend from July 7, 2023, to August 7, 2023, at 4 p.m. (CDT). Throughout this period, TxDOT will provide multiple avenues for submitting comments, including detailed information on the Public Involvement section of their official website. The website will also feature recordings and presentations from each meeting and hearing to ensure transparency and accessibility. Comment forms are also made available in several languages, such as English, Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, and Vietnamese, to accommodate a diverse audience.

The UTP undergoes annual updates, with TxDOT working closely with transportation partners to identify and prioritize projects for inclusion. Public feedback plays a pivotal role in shaping the plan, and TxDOT's commitment to inclusivity is evident in the availability of the UTP Fact Sheet in both English and Spanish, providing an overview of the program.

Ultimately, the fate of the 2024 UTP will be determined by the Texas Transportation Commission, which annually approves the plan during its August commission meeting. Once approved, the final UTP will be published on TxDOT's official website, TxDOT.gov, signaling the department's commitment to building a robust transportation network to serve the state's burgeoning population and meet the evolving needs of its communities.