On October 16, 2024, the Odessa Police Department and Odessa Fire Rescue were called to the scene of an incident involving two drowning victims on the 800 block of Humble. Upon arrival, officers and medics discovered one-year-old twins who appeared to have drowned. The children were immediately transported to Medical Center Hospital; however, despite efforts from first responders and medical staff, both infants tragically passed away.
The investigation revealed that 34-year-old Joan Reyes de Jesus was responsible for the children's care at the time. De Jesus had been employed by the babies' mother specifically for their supervision. According to findings, De Jesus placed the twins in a bathtub, turned on the water, and then left them unattended to watch television.
After an unspecified period, De Jesus reportedly fell asleep. Evidence suggests that approximately 30 minutes or more elapsed before family members became aware that the babies were still in the bathtub.
Joan Reyes de Jesus has been charged with Injury to a Child, classified as a Felony of the First Degree. Authorities have emphasized that this investigation is still in its early stages and additional charges may be filed as it progresses.