NASA astronaut gives inspiring speech to area students at Midland College

Webp hernandez
José Hernández | Midland College

NASA Astronaut José Hernández provided attendees of Midland College’s (MC) most recent Davidson Distinguished Lecture Series with an inspirational account of his life.

The Al G. Langford Chaparral Center was at capacity with attendees, including leaders of the Midland Independent School District, MC faculty and staff, and local high school students, according to an MC news release. The heart of the speech centered on Hernández’s journey from an agriculture worker in California to venturing into space as an astronaut.

According to the release, Hernández is a Mexican migrant who desired to be more than just a migrant farm worker. During his youth, he worked across California during the harvest season helping his family make money. Despite the odds, his fortitude to become an astronaut paid off when he joined NASA as a mission specialist on the STS-128 space shuttle mission in 2009.

"His story embodies the power of education and determination. At Midland College, we are committed to fostering that same spirit of possibility and achievement in our students, encouraging them to work hard and reimagine their future," said Dr. Damon Kennedy. "We are deeply thankful to José Hernández for sharing his extraordinary journey with our community, and to our generous donors who made this unforgettable evening possible."

Established in 1996, the Davidson Distinguished Lecture Series brings speakers to the school to share their experience with the community, according to the release.