MISD superintendent Howard named recipient of Midland Chamber Citizen of the Year accolade

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Midland Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Howard. | LinkedIn

Midland Independent School District (MISD) Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Howard has been named a recipient of the Midland Chamber's Citizen of the Year honor for 2024.

MISD shared a September 11 Facebook post announcing the honor and congratulating its leader.

"Congratulations, Dr. Howard! We are so proud of you and thankful for everything that you do for both our school district and community," the post said.

According to the chamber's website, the Citizen of the Year honor is presented to an individual who has significantly enriched the local community through exceptional commitment and selflessness, celebrating achievements in volunteer work, leadership, advocacy, or acts of kindness from June 30, 2023, to July 1, 2024.

Howard joined MISD as superintendent in early 2023.

She has amassed a 30-year career in education which includes serving as a principal of MISD's Legacy High School when it was known as Robert E. Lee High School.

Howard will officially accept her award at the chamber's 2024 Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon at the Bush Convention Center on September 25.