OPINION: Local Resident Turns Community Trash Problem Into Growing Volunteer Movement

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Senator Kevin Sparks, left & Keith Stetler, right at the last several West Texas clean up days. | Midland Times / Keith Stetler

In my short time living in the Permian area, I noticed the trash problem and thought, someone should try to do something about it. As time went on, I also noticed that many others thinking the same thing were taking to social media to complain instead of taking action. How hard can it be? Take a bag, stop on the side of the road, and pick up some trash.

One day, I decided to do just that. I figured if I was thinking about it, others were probably thinking the same. No one wants to be the first to organize something like that because, what if it fails? But, if even one person goes out and picks up a bag of trash, it can be called a success.

In March, I posted on LinkedIn, "Hey, do y'all want to get together and pick up some trash along the side of the road? How about Yukon Road over by the Idea School, between Loop 338 and Faudree Rd?" 

Twenty people showed up on a cold, rainy morning. More people from San Angelo showed up than from anywhere else. But we collected a whole trailer full of trash—a few tons, at least. I have held a trash cleanup every month since, and it has grown and grown. Now, more people from Midland and Odessa show up than from San Angelo. 

The last cleanup in West Odessa included over 70 people, and we've been asked to clean up Highway 191 between Odessa and Midland in preparation for the Special Olympics. We are expecting over 200 volunteers from both cities and a multitude of groups–join us on Sep 21 from 9 am to 12 pm, all along the highway.

Why are we afraid to make the first move? What was the worst that could have happened? Few people would come to help? We would collect less trash? 

If so, who cares? It still would have been a success. The world is smaller than we think, and people are more similar than they are different. So if you have a great idea on how to make the community better, don't keep it to yourself—get out there and start ‘doing.’ You’ll never know who may join you.

Contact Keith Stelter to get involved to clean up the Permian Basin!


e. k.stelter@mazeenviro.com