Bush Family Home Historic Site to host inaugural Children's Health Fair in honor of Robin Bush

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The Bush Family Home State Historic Site in Midland, Texas, is set to host its first-ever children's health fair in memory of Robin Bush, the late daughter of President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush. | The Bush Family Home State Historic Site

The Bush Family Home State Historic Site in Midland, Texas, is set to host its first-ever children's health fair in memory of Robin Bush, the late daughter of President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush. The event, titled "Robin's Children’s Health Fair," will take place on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the historic home at 1412 W. Ohio Street.

The event coincides with Children’s Cancer Awareness Month, offering a unique opportunity for families to learn more about their children's health, with local clinics and doctors from both Midland and Odessa on site to provide attendees with more information and resources. The fair will also feature an interactive experience for children to learn about what happens during a doctor's check-up by bringing one of their favorite dolls or stuffed animals for educators to demonstrate.   

Troy Gray, the site manager, expressed the significance of hosting the event in honor of Robin Bush, who passed away from leukemia in 1953 at the age of three. The Bushes lived at the now-historic home while Robin battled cancer. 

"The Bushes wanted to use Robin as inspiration by naming hospital wings after her," Gray said. "We want to follow suit and use her as inspiration by holding a free, fun, and informative event the whole family will enjoy."

In addition to the health fair, visitors are invited to enjoy the Scooter Dog Food Truck and take self-guided tours of the Bush family home. The historic home joined the Texas Historical Commission in 2023 and is one of 38 sites across the state.

Robin Bush was born on December 20, 1949, in Compton, California, and was described as a "quiet and gentle" child. After the Bush family returned to Texas and following the birth of her brother Jeb, Robin was diagnosed with leukemia. Despite receiving experimental treatments, she passed away on October 11, 1953. Her memory has continued to inspire charitable efforts, and the health fair serves as a testament to her enduring legacy.

The house's journey to prominence began when George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush purchased it in 1951. This was their second Midland home, and they resided there until 1955. In subsequent years, the property was used as a rental until 2001, when the Permian Basin Board of Realtors acquired it. This acquisition marked the start of a five-year restoration process, meticulously returning the home to its 1950s condition based on photographs and Barbara Bush’s recollections. On April 11, 2006, the grand opening of the George W. Bush Boyhood Home Foundation saw the attendance of Laura Bush, George H.W., and Barbara Bush.

Additionally, the site offers a bus tour around Midland, highlighting locations significant to the Bush family, and an online series discussing topics like the Roy Rogers Riders Rules. The Third Thursday Reading program continues to engage children with stories, crafts, and games related to the featured book of the month.

The Bush Family Home State Historic Site is normally open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the last tour starting at 4:15 p.m.