Be the Change Welcomes New Executive Director Haylee McBride

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Be The Change participants | Be the Change Permain Basin

Haylee McBride has been named the new Executive Director at Be the Change, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to teaching leadership and kindness in local school districts. According to McBride, she plans to share her knowledge with junior high and high school students through an adventure-based learning program that emphasizes compassion.

McBride stepped in as interim Executive Director in 2023 when Be the Change was left without a leader. "I loved the role, so when I was offered the position full-time, I jumped at it and now I’m seeing it grow," McBride told Midland Times.

Be the Change is expanding and looking to add a staff member to help reach more classrooms across West Texas, according to McBride.

Be the Change inspires students to influence the lives of others in positive ways. The organization offers programs that build trust, provide tools for goal setting, and develop mentorship and leadership skills. Participants enhance their self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills, and empathy.

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