Hope Chest’s promotion of healthy mothers and babies

Dsc 1595
Community Relations Coordinator Taylor Wiedenfeld | DaLeesa Brown

Midland Health is supporting pregnant and parenting women of all ages, incomes, races, religious affiliations and needs across the Permian Basin with its Hope Chest program. The program is dedicated to promoting the health of babies by encouraging responsible and healthy behavior during and after pregnancy.

Leading Hope Chest is Taylor Wiedenfeld, the community relations coordinator who has been managing the program since 2021. "Hope Chest was designed back in 2016, and the basis of Hope Chest is to prioritize both women and babies’ health,” Wiedenfeld told Midland Times. “To do that and to have the best outcomes is by mothers going to prenatal care visits as well as being provided with all the education they need through pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting."

The program operates on a points system, with mothers earning points for attending prenatal care visits, pediatric appointments, and educational classes aimed at fostering the well-being of both mothers and babies. Midland Health provides a range of these classes, including Infant/Child Safety, Breastfeeding Class, Baby Care Class, and more.

Health and wellness events also offer opportunities to gain additional points, which can be redeemed for items necessary for both mothers and babies. Diapers, wipes, clothing, toys, bottles, strollers, and various other items are available, with points determining the selection. While almost all items are brand new, some gently-used items such as bassinets may occasionally be available. 

"We provide items that parents need to raise a baby, and those things, such as diapers and clothing, relieve some of that burden of the financial strains that come with having a baby,” said Wiedenfeld.

Upon enrollment, mothers receive a booklet outlining the points system, the value of each care visit, and the number of points required to access specific items. The booklet also includes signature boxes for health care providers and teachers to confirm completed visits and classes.

Hope Chest eligibility spans from the confirmation of pregnancy until the baby turns 2 years old. 

Hope Chest is located at 400 Rosalind Redfern Grover Pkwy, inside the main Hospital. Mothers are encouraged to check in at the Welcome Desk and inform the front desk of their appointment with Hope Chest. Insurance ID cards and WIC cards should be brought to appointments, along with the Hope Chest booklet.

Wiedenfeld also extends her support to teen mothers through a "Becoming a Mother" class at Coleman High School. The class covers topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, aiming to help young mothers and provide resources. With plans to extend this class to more schools in the Permian Basin, Wiedenfeld contributes in ensuring that Hope Chest continues to promote the healthy lives of mothers and babies in the community.

For those interested in learning more about the program or to enroll, call 432-221-1150 or email hopechest@midlandhealth.org.