'This puts everything into perspective': Legacy FFA chapter teaches students responsibility

The Midland Legacy chapter of Future Farmers of America teaches students responsibility. | Unsplash

For Legacy agriculture teacher Katt Irvine, the phrase, "Seeing is believing" couldn't be any truer. 

Irvine serves as the advisor of the school's Future Farmers of America, or FFA chapter. 

According to her, students could be told plenty of things about animals but the real learning comes from actual interaction with them.

"I think this puts everything we talk about in the classroom into perspective," Irvine told NewsWest9. "I can go on and preach to you all day about how cool these animals are or how unique they are but they're not going to understand until we get something in front of them."

The Midland NBC affiliate reported that Irvine's classes and club end the school week with Farm Animal Friday.

It gives students the opportunity to get up close and personal with an animal brought in by a member of the community or the kids themselves.

"It kind of teaches those kids responsibility," Irvine said, according to NewsWest9. "A lot of people think in FFA, the animal is the project but it’s really the kid."

Irvine, a 2014 Legacy graduate, was an FFA member when she attended the school.

She said the club had an impact on her life.

For club treasurer Landon Mitchell, it's a family affair. 

Landon's father and uncle were FFA officers, NewsWest9 reported.

"My dad was president three years in a row and so was my uncle," the Legacy junior said. "I wanted to follow in his footsteps in AG and trying to be just like him."