Plelan: 'Critical' bills passed in the chamber will help 'expand telemedicine, protect maternal health, reduce drug prices' and more

Public Policy
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House Speaker Dade Plelan | Facebook

The Texas House of Representatives April 14 approved four “critical" bills in a wide ranging-bipartisan legislative package designed to improve health care.

"Today was a proud day for the Texas House,” House Speaker Dade Plelan (D-Beaumont) said in a statement. “Our chamber passed critical bills in our bipartisan Healthy Families, Healthy Texas package to expand telemedicine, cut red tape, protect maternal health and reduce drug prices. With this slate of legislation, I am confident that citizens across our state will find the care they need, when they need it. "

The conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) also praised the legislation, saying it will “significantly lower costs, improve health care outcomes, put patients in charge of health care decisions and make improvements to Medicaid.”

The foundation’s Right on Health Care Director David Balat called a provision to require transparency in health pricing a “game changer” that will end surprise billing and arbitrary pricing.

“Most of all, the plan forges a new bipartisan path for reforming our health care system instead of treading over the same old ground on government-run health care,” Balat said in a statement. “TPPF looks forward to working with members of the House on these and other provisions to improve health outcomes for all Texans.”

The Texas Hospital Association also praised the legislative package.

“We couldn’t agree more that Texans should have access to the best health care services possible, and we are pleased to see a significant, bipartisan spotlight on the issue this session,” Ted Shaw, president and CEO of the group, said in a statement. “We are particularly encouraged by the special attention paid to address health equity and improve coverage for children, postpartum mothers and prescription drugs. Expanding telemedicine and broadband services also will go a long way to increase access to care in rural communities and for vulnerable Texans.”

House Bills 4,18, 133 and 290 now move to the state Senate for consideration.