Midland College professor elected to American Political Science Association governing council

Dr. Terry Gilmour has been elected to the American Political Science Association. | Midland College

Midland College professor Dr. Terry Gilmour has been elected to the governing council of the American Political Science Association, the college announced

Gilmour, a professor of government and director of the Honors program, was elected to a three-year-term on the governing council, according to a news release. 

"I have been a member of APSA for over 20 years," Gilmour said in the news release.  "I truly believe in the association's mission of encouraging social scientific inquiry and its role in maintaining a free, participatory, civil and law-governed society.   The association is committed to scholarship and professional practices that contribute to social as well as intellectual progress. I look forward to furthering the mission through my service on the APSA Council."

Gilmour is the only member of the governing council from a community college, the news release said. 

"Terry Gilmour took American Government as an undergraduate from a Polish communist and it was a fascinating class," according to Gilmour's biography on the Midland College's website. "She likes online and traditional teaching equally. Both formats allow her to connect with students. She feels that there is always something going on in the country and in the state in government – current events make government 'real' to the students."

The American Political Science Association was founded in 1903 and is a large professional society "for individuals engaged in the study pf politics and government," according to the news release. 

"APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions and occupational endeavors," the news release said. "While most APSA members are scholars who teach and conduct research in colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad, one-fourth of the association members work in government, research, consulting firms, the news media and private enterprise."