Midland mayor, health group provide COVID-19 updates

Public Policy
Midland Mayor Patrick Payton

As of July 21 there were 1,604 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Midland County, Texas, and 29 residents had died while statewide there were 341,739 confirmed cases and 4,151 deaths, according to an update from Midland Health.

Daily updates from Midland Health and Midland Mayor Patrick Payton seek explain how the condition caused by the novel coronavirus affects the area. Both give a view of how COVID-19 is affecting the community, but on Mayor Payton’s Facebook page, he shares graphics that break things down even further, with information from the city and state’s COVID-19 information pages.

In the July 21 update,  Payton shared a graphic that notes there have been 9,129 tests and there are 919 active cases of COVID-19, with 1,605 positive tests and 7,525 negative tests and 29 deaths. That’s an 82.4% negativity rate, a 17.6 positivity rate and a death rate of 1.8%. So far 630 individuals have recovered.

There are currently 48 total COVID patients in Midland Memorial Hospital, 33 in the medical COVID unit and 15 patients in the critical care unit. Thirty-five of those patients are from Midland County.   

Of the 216 beds in Midland Memorial Hospital, 161 currently are occupied, the hospital said. There is not a shortage of beds, with 55 available as of July 21. Graphics provided by Payton’s office also explain how many ventilators are in use and how many are available. On July 21 there were 44 total ventilators on site, and 13 in use--nine by COVID-19 patients.  

In the Midland Health updates, the organization reports on patient deaths in general terms, and on July 20, the organization reported that the county’s 29th death was a male in his 100s who was being treated at Midland Memorial Hospital. Of the 916 active COVID cases, there were 767 men affected by the condition and 837 females, according to Midland Health.

To learn more, visit these pages: https://www.midlandhealth.org/main/news and  https://www.facebook.com/MayorPatrickPayton/