Midland County has agreed to participate in Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ) 3 and 4 to partner with the city to support infrastructure development and future growth.
Under the agreement, the county will contribute 50% of its incremental property tax revenue toward the project.
“I definitely wanted to highlight the fact that this TIRZ that we’re having a 50% joint partnership here with the county, and how impactful that is on the dollars that taxpayers of Midland are having to supply to that,” Councilmember John Burkholder said during the meeting. “This actually helps our growth in these areas and helps maintain things without having to bear the full brunt of the expense, which, anytime that we can get any other taxing entity to partner up, I think that’s a huge win for us and it’s a huge win for everybody that lives here in Midland.”
TIRZ 3, which runs along the State Highway 191 corridor, is designed to help fund necessary infrastructure improvements as the area continues to expand. TIRZ No. 4, covering 2,300 acres south of State Highway 191, west of Loop 250 West, and north of Business Interstate 20, will primarily support maintenance and capital projects at the Scharbauer Sports Complex.
Elizabeth Triggs, the city’s Planning and Development Officer, said discussions are ongoing with other taxing entities, including the hospital and college. Revenue collection is expected to begin in 2026.