Blong: 'Midland is officially on the map for something truly out of this world'

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Starfighters Space will expand to Midland within the next three years. | Facebook

Mayor Lori Blong said that the expansion of Starfighters Space to the Midland Spaceport Business Park places the Tall City "on the map for something truly out of this world."

"Midland is officially on the map for something truly out of this world," said Lori Blong, according to Facebook. "Starfighters Space [is] a key player in the aerospace sector."

At the September 24 Midland City Council meeting, councilmembers voted unanimously to approve a resolution authorizing an Economic Development Agreement between the Midland Development Corporation (MDC) and Starfighters, which is sanctioned under Chapter 501 of the Texas Local Government Code.

According to Blong's post, Starfighters is slated to set down stakes in Midland within three years. The move will generate 23 full-time jobs in the city within the next decade.

To learn more about the company, visit