MPD invites women to attend RAD class

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Seal of the Midland Police Department. | Facebook

The Midland Police Department (MPD) is inviting all women to attend its Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class next month.

According to a September 26 Facebook post attributed to the Permian Basin law enforcement agency, the class aims to help women foster confidence and build essential self-defense skills.

Scheduled for October 10 and 11 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and October 12 from 9 a.m. to noon, the class is free to participate but is limited to women only, the post said. Attendees will be taught the basics of striking techniques, defensive postures, and the decision to resist. Attendance is mandatory for all three dates.

There will be opportunities to practice in realistic scenarios while wearing protective gear. According to the post, companies are encouraged to arrange RAD classes for their female employees either on-site or at the police department.

For more information, contact Officer Blandford at (432) 685-7977 or