Midland County Commissioners approve property tax increase

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Midland County Commissioners Court | Midland County

On Sept. 17, the Midland County Commissioners Court convened to discuss the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-25 and to adopt the county's new tax rate. The court approved an increase in the tax rate from 0.120430 to 0.131579 per $100 valuation. The tax rate for the year 2023-24 was 0.120430.

The decision to raise the tax rate passed with a 3-2 vote. Judge Johnson, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner Somers supported the increase, while Commissioner Sánchez and Commissioner Anderson opposed it. Both dissenting commissioners advocated for additional budget cuts to avoid raising taxes.

“Midland County had the opportunity to cut the budget to be able to ensure that a tax increase could have been avoided,” said Sánchez. “The cuts could have come from our roads budget. This could have avoided the increase. Because of this fact, I voted against the Midland County property tax increase.”

The Commissioners Court acknowledged Midland County's growth, noting it is the seventh fastest growing metro area in the United States. The court highlighted their commitment to addressing economic growth and constituent challenges related to taxes, housing, inflation, and other social issues.

For more information, visit the Midland County website at www.co.midland.tx.us.