Recent rain does wonders for area lakes

Webp loriblong1600
Midland Mayor Lori Blong | Facebook

Mayor Lori Blong said that recent inclement weather in the Permian Basin had a direct impact on the lakes supplying Midland with surface water.

In a September 11 Facebook post, Blong discussed the rain’s effect on Lake Spence, Lake Thomas, and Lake Ivie. She cited information gathered by the utilities department from the U.S. Geological Service (USGS) and Water Data for Texas.

According to Blong, Lake Spence experienced what she described as a modest rise of about a foot—approximately 5,000 acre-feet of water storage—despite significant rainfall. Upstream stream flows have dramatically increased in the past week, allowing for an increase from 377 to 2,370 cubic feet per second.

The post indicated that Lake Thomas' water storage more than doubled, from 33,000 acre-feet to 76,000 acre-feet. Additionally, Lake Ivie, where Midland holds a 16% ownership stake, saw the most notable gain with an increase of over 50,000 acre-feet.

Blong surmised that there will be further gains for each lake.

The Colorado River Municipal Water District’s (CRMWD) July reservoir estimates present a positive outlook for the region. The recent downpour has boosted Midland’s combined lake capacities by close to 39%.

"It’s a much-needed boost to the water supply," Blong said.