Midland ranks first for GDP growth among small US cities

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Lori Blong Mayor | LinkedIn

Midland, Texas -- Midland ranked first with the highest GDP among cities with a population less than 250,000, according to a report from a listing service for flex workspace solutions.

Coworking Café stated Midland saw the highest GDP growth among its population bracket, with an uptick of 80.67% registered between 2018-2022. The metric was part of a larger report studying top cities for economic growth.

The following were other highlights for Midland:

Midland took the 36th spot among small cities for economic growth, from a total of 185 small cities in our analysis. The 10% growth in housing units put Midland 12th in Coworking Café’s analysis, with a total of 55,041. Midland also registered a 6.69% uptick in infrastructure between 2018-2022, ranking 13th for this metric, which is based on total roadway miles in the study’s methodology. Additionally, Midland experienced a 20% growth in median earnings, reaching $50,207, along with a 19.81% growth in trade exports.

Online: www.coworkingcafe.com/blog/top-cities-for-economic-growth/