GIRLS SCOUTS OF THE DESERT SOUTHWEST: Troop Financials Training (Online) to be held March 31


Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest issued the following announcement.

Name: Troop Financials Training (Online)

Date: Tue Mar 31, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Location: Online


Volunteer Training

Level: Volunteers

Adult Fee: FREE


Per our council policies, all Girl Scout troops are required to submit end-of-year troop financials to council by the last Thursday in June. Join us on this webinar to get all the details and help necessary. Discover what is required to submit your end-of-year troop financials to council successfull. Connect with the resources and support available. Take Action with a plan and checklist of items to complete

Financial reports from troops and service units are required for the following reasons:

  1. All Girl Scout councils are required by Girl Scouts of the USA and the Internal Revenue Service to make sure that proper records of funds are maintained and kept on file at the council office for audit purposes;
  2. To protect the interest of the troop or service unit;
  3. To protect the volunteers;
  4. To provide helpful information for new volunteers assuming leadership of an existing group;
  5. To answer any council questions on the whereabouts of group funds and the use of such funds;
This is a live training to encourage questions and sharing.


Original source can be found here.