Midland College sees a spike in student enrollment

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Students on campus. | Midland College

Midland College (MC) has reported a 15% increase in fall student enrollment compared to the previous semester. The institution announced a preliminary enrollment of 6,059 students, marking its highest enrollment since 2011, with the second fall term still forthcoming.

According to an MC news release, the college is expected to distribute $2 million in scholarships over the next academic year, which has contributed to the rise in enrollment numbers. Additionally, MC has implemented programs aimed at helping students overcome financial challenges.

"Amid challenges such as FAFSA delays, which are negatively impacting colleges across the country, Midland College has done the hard work to ensure students have opportunities," said MC Provost Michael Dixon.

Earlier this year, the institution announced a comprehensive master planning process that will examine their facilities and help engage commercial allies. According to the news release, the school expects this plan to shape its efforts to meet the needs of the area’s evolving job market by providing career and technical training to students.

"We set a target to reach 6,000 students this fall. We anticipate even greater enrollment by fall 2025, thanks to our new initiatives, including offering free dual credit for all high school students and expanding our course offerings in critical fields such as energy technology, natural gas compression, and behavioral health," said MC President Dr. Damon Kennedy.