Meet Rance Norton: Candidate for Midland City Council At-Large

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Rance Norton | Provided Photo

Running for Midland City Council At-Large is Rance Norton. In an interview with Midland Times, the candidate reveals his motivations, vision, and strategies for addressing key issues within the city.

MT: Can you provide a brief introduction about yourself?

I’ve never felt more at home than I do here in Midland. I originally grew up in a small central Texas town called Morgan, with a population of just 435. It was there that my family instilled in me the values I live by today. My family has deep roots in Bosque County, where they’ve been for generations, embodying the hardworking spirit of Texas.

After graduating high school, I attended Hill Junior College on a golf scholarship before transferring and earning my degree from Baylor University in Waco. I spent six years working in Nuclear Power, taking on various roles in safety, compliance, training, continuous improvement, finance, and project management.

I eventually moved to Midland to work for ProPetro Services, where I held multiple roles in operations, supply chain, sales, marketing, and business development. ProPetro was a fantastic opportunity where I met many good, hardworking individuals. After ProPetro, I had the privilege of co-founding a hydraulic fracturing company called PureFrac, where I served as the Chief Executive Officer. We achieved great success with the start-up frac company.

Currently, I work for Solnexus Chemical and Agri-Empresa, a company that has been serving the Permian Basin for over 40 years.

MT: What motivated you to run for the Midland City Council At-Large seat?

Midland is my home, and I deeply love this city—the people, the community, everything! I’ve always been interested in politics, having studied political science and government at Baylor. At my core, I am a servant—a servant for the Lord and for the people.

I want to see Midland progress as a city. We are the epicenter of the energy business in the United States, and there’s an influx of younger workers moving here because of our unique position in the world! Midland is an excellent place to raise a family, with a community that’s strong both in business and socially. My goal is to ensure that we keep people in Midland by continuing to move forward and grow.

MT: What specific experiences do you have for this role?

I’ve always been a leader, both in my professional roles and personally. I have a unique ability to connect with people from all different backgrounds. Growing up in a middle-class family, I understand the challenges that people face.

From a Midland perspective, I’ve worked my way up from an entry-level oilfield position to an executive role. I know what it takes to get the job done while maintaining integrity and staying true to my values.

MT: What key issues do you consider the most pressing for Midland, and how will you address them?

One of the most pressing issues for Midland right now is infrastructure development. With the rapid growth we are experiencing due to the energy sector and the influx of new residents, our roads are in need of attention. If we don't address this critical area, we risk hindering future growth. My vision is to prioritize infrastructure improvements that will support not only the needs of our current population but also lay the foundation for sustainable growth in the years to come.

When I look at the issues facing Midland, I always ask myself, “What can we do to ensure and sustain the progress of our city? How can we make Midland a destination for people? How can we serve the greater community as a whole?” These are the lenses through which I view all issues. We are at a crucial point for advancing Midland’s growth, and I’m excited to be at the forefront of discussing and implementing changes that will help our city thrive.

MT: What strategies do you propose to promote economic development in Midland and ensure growth?

Midland is well-positioned for economic development. Numerous organizations contribute to moving Midland forward economically. With all the major corporations headquartered here and the companies that conduct a significant portion of their business in Midland, we have a solid foundation. The Midland Development Corporation (MDC) is one of those major corporations and is a fantastic group that collaborates with the state and the city to attract new businesses and support local ones.

Growth in Midland is one of the primary goals of my campaign. Recently, the announcement of Costco coming to Midland was a major win for the city (and I’m definitely excited for the hot dogs).

Additionally, there are several significant projects in the pipeline: The Summit Center, The Preserve, Zoo Midland, and Hotel Santa Rita, to name a few. These represent progress and growth. The tax revenue generated by these new businesses will further support Midland’s economic development.

MT: What measures are necessary to enhance public safety in Midland, and how do you plan to work with law enforcement and the community?

Public service is crucial. I hold a deep respect for those who dedicate their lives to protecting others. Building a better and safer community hinges on supporting our law enforcement and fire department. The safety of all Midlanders is a top priority for me. We live in a very active part of the world, so ensuring that everyone—men, women, and children—is safe is essential.

In order to sustain growth, we need to foster a sense of safety, including road safety and infrastructure improvements. We’ve seen a lot of work being done on our roads in and around Midland, and while it can sometimes be a point of frustration, it’s vital for the safety of all Midlanders. The Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) is one organization that plays a significant role in road safety, identifying infrastructure initiatives that can be accelerated through public-private partnerships.

Whatever it takes to keep Midlanders safe, we need to do it!

MT: How do you plan to approach budgetary decisions and ensure fiscal responsibility for the benefit of Midland taxpayers?

I’ve always said that a city should be run like a business. When it comes to fiscal responsibility, it’s similar to managing your own or your shareholders’ money. Every citizen is essentially a shareholder in the city of Midland, and they trust us to use their dollars wisely.

Therefore, I evaluate every dollar spent by asking, “Will this help the city and its citizens? Will this provide them with a return on their investment?” In business, communication is key, and when it comes to how YOUR dollars are spent, transparency is essential.

The foundation of responsibility is respect, which is achieved through communication, straightforwardness, honesty, and action. I want to respect the taxpayers of Midland by using their dollars to progress this great city.

MT: Are there areas where you see opportunities for budget optimization or reallocation of resources?

I want to fully understand the economic state of our city before making any decisions, so I have been studying the city budget and taking notes. One step I’m taking to help with this is meeting with each city department to gather their insights and recommendations—asking each department how we can optimize their respective divisions.

I’m also eager to hear from my fellow constituents, to understand their perspectives on the city council’s issues. I’ve always believed that you can’t have too much information, and I value feedback from others.

MT: How do you intend to communicate with constituents and gather their input on important city matters?

I love communicating—just ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you I sometimes talk too much! I’m currently active on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and X), all of which I personally manage, and I’m always responsive to anyone who reaches out.

I’m also looking forward to going door-to-door, attending local events, and meeting everyone who wants to talk. I have a few events in the works where people can meet me and socialize—what you might call political rallies. I’m always available, day or night. Being accessible has always been part of my job, and I’m here for the citizens of Midland!

If anyone wants to contact me, they can reach out to me at or call me at 432-631-5621.