Meet Reid Redman: One of The Preserve’s Founders

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Reid Redman | Dahlia Development

In an interview with Midland Times, Reid Redman shares his inspiration and vision for The Preserve—a 173-acre development coming to Midland that emphasizes sustainability and innovative design. Redman discusses how the development aims to positively impact residents and their families through its thoughtful design and community-focused amenities.

MT: Tell us about yourself.

My dad has been in the oil and gas industry his entire career, and he moved us to Midland in 1996. I graduated from Midland Christian in 2007 and spent two years playing baseball at Midland College prior to playing baseball at Texas Tech, where I received a degree in Energy Commerce. 

In 2012, I was drafted by the Tampa Bay Rays. I was with them for two years, then the Miami Marlins for two years. In 2014-2015, I was traded to Kansas City, which led me to meet my wife, Lexy. After arm surgery, I made the difficult decision to hang up the bat and mitts and move back to Midland at the end of 2017.

Upon returning to Midland, I felt like I couldn’t do anything other than throw a baseball, so I started working in land brokerage with a gentleman named John Houston, who has been a great mentor to me. In 2020, I reconnected with an old college roommate, Ian Denholm, and he asked if I was interested in working with him to grow their real estate company. I joined Dahlia in July 2020 and have been doing that ever since.

MT: What initially inspired you to embark on the development of The Preserve?

We saw The Preserve as a really cool piece of land in this area and we didn’t want it to end up in the hands of someone who couldn’t see the potential. We recognized its potential to provide a meeting place for families and children, especially since the team behind The Preserve have children and plans to raise our families here. 

We wanted to transform the land into a place that was family-friendly and welcoming to children and families within the community. We want Midland residents to want to stay in Midland and not feel the need to travel elsewhere for fun and enjoyable experiences. With all the momentum and growth happening here, we’re excited to be part of the plan to keep our Midlanders in Midland. We’re committed to pouring back into the community.

MT: Were there any specific experiences or moments that played a crucial role in shaping your ideas for The Preserve?

It was truly the initial vision we all shared and had in our heads about what we knew would benefit the community and what families would like. The founders behind The Preserve all have children that range in ages from infancy to highschool, so it was beneficial having differing viewpoints and experiences to ensure that families with children of all ages can have a place here at The Preserve. Watching our own kids grow up and seeing what they enjoy most in a community setting really helped solidify our ideas. We wanted to create a space that offers something for everyone, where kids can play and explore, and parents can relax and connect with others. 

MT: What has the process of planning and designing The Preserve been like?

I’m honestly not a very patient person, so the planning and design phases feels like it has taken a lot of time. However, we’ve surrounded ourselves with an incredible team of professionals, from architects to various other experts, and every one of them has opened my eyes to just how much thought goes into a project—especially one of this magnitude. It’s been a really cool experience to watch and be a part of. You don’t realize how much planning is involved until you’re in the thick of it—something always comes up. Given that we only have one shot at this, we want to make sure it's done right, and we’re always finding ways to improve The Preserve. 

Having ZooMidland as the anchor of The Preserve is a real asset to the community. Jason Green, the director of ZooMidland, is fantastic, and he’s bringing a lot of value to the project. We want to thank Jason, as well as the entire team behind ZooMidland, for their efforts and the impact they’ll have on Midland. We couldn’t have asked for a better partner to help us with this initiative to give back to the community.

It’s been a great process, and I’m looking forward to the day we finally push a shovel into the dirt and begin construction.

MT: How do you envision The Preserve evolving over the next decade?

It really will be a great place for families and children of all ages to hang out and enjoy. We are at such an integral point in Midland where a lot of things are happening and developments are being brought in, from the Midland Athletic Syndicate to Summit Center, and we are thankful to be able to contribute to the growth of Midland and give our community something to enjoy. 

We also envision The Preserve as a destination where those who don’t live in Midland can travel and visit here. We have planned such exciting aspects to The Preserve where it's walkable, restaurants will be included, office spaces where people work. It will evolve to become a place where those in our community will come back to and enjoy a live, work, play lifestyle. 

MT: Looking back, what has been the most rewarding aspect of developing The Preserve?

The most rewarding aspect of developing The Preserve has been being able to interact with the different teams of experts who are helping bring our vision to life and seeing how dedicated they are to making Midland better. Seeing the vision from Adam and Ian and their drive to give back to the community, has been rewarding. 

It's also incredibly fulfilling to know that we're creating something that will positively impact the lives of residents and their families for generations to come. Knowing that The Preserve will be a place where memories are made, where kids can hang out, and where families can connect and thrive, makes all the hard work worth it.