Midland Soup Kitchen Expands Facility to Meet Growing Demand

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Midland Soup Kitchen Ministry is expanding its dining room facility and undergoing roof upgrades at 1401 Orchard Lane. The dining hall is being enlarged to accommodate more diners. 

According to Nancy Ivy, the Midland Soup Kitchen Ministry is known for providing what the organization calls “physical and spiritual nourishment” to those in need. Ivy is the daughter of the founders, Mariano Sr. and Mary Rendon. 

"Times are tough for a lot of our Midlanders with our economy and inflation," said Ivy. The Soup Kitchen typically serves around 150 home-cooked meals daily, though the number has doubled recently, requiring more space.

The expansion includes upgrades to the roof and changes to reduce the organization's electrical expenses, according to Ivy.

Despite the challenges, the Soup Kitchen remains committed to its mission of assisting those in need. 

"Everything has doubled in costs, from food to electricity, and we empathize with our clients," said Ivy. 

Donations to support the expansion and continued operation of the Midland Soup Kitchen Ministry can be made on their website at https://www.midlandsoupkitchen.org/.