Celebration Marks 100th Birthday of George H.W. Bush

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George H.W. Bush | Texas Historical Commission

An event to celebrate George H.W. Bush’s 100th birthday will be held at the Bush Family Home State Historic Site in Midland, on Thursday, June 13, from 5 PM to 8 PM. The home is located at 1412 W Ohio Ave. The event will feature live music, a cookout, and a crazy sock contest.  

After his presidency, Bush became known for wearing fun socks with bold patterns and bright colors. A crazy sock table will be available for attendees to create their own designs, with prizes awarded to contest winners.

President Bush moved to West Texas in 1948 and lived in Midland from 1950 to 1959. The West Ohio Street house was the second of three homes the Bush family lived in within Midland. It joined the Texas Historical Commission in 2023. The home will be open for self-guided tours during the celebration, according to Troy Gray with the Texas Historical Commission.

The Bush Family Home is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as the residence of an exceptional political family who shaped state and national politics in the late-20th and early-21st centuries. 

For more information, visit https://thc.texas.gov/historic-sites/bush-family-home