Agents In Action is hosting a cornhole tournament at Hogan Park to support Grayson Pickett, an 11-year-old boy in Midland diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The event will take place on June 8 from 12 PM to 7 PM, with planned activities.
Grayson was diagnosed with leukemia on January 17. He has been a competitive diver on the COM dive team, according to the Agents in Action website. Intensive treatments have weakened his muscles, requiring him to undergo physical therapy.
"Cancer is rough, but the positive side is people are really nice and do things for us," Grayson said.
The cornhole tournament is intended to assist Pickett’s family with Grayson’s medical expenses. The day will feature food, drinks, and games for kids.
Individuals and teams can join the tournament by purchasing a $50 registration ticket. Sponsorship opportunities are available for those who wish to contribute further. All proceeds from the event will go directly to Pickett’s family to support his treatment and recovery.
To register for the cornhole tournament or make a donation, visit:
Agents in Action is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization that was established in April of 2007.
For more information, visit