Midland Zoo gets zoning amendment approved

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Councilman Jack Ladd | City of Midland

The Midland City Council has approved a zoning amendment that allows Zoo Midland to use a 4.4-acre property at 1507 Todd Drive for temporarily housing animals as they arrive in Midland. The council granted the special use designation during its meeting on May 28.

According to the agenda for the May 28 meeting, Midland Zoo received the special use designation (SUD) for the property to function as a wildlife rehabilitation center. Councilman Jack Ladd moved to approve the SUD, and Councilman John Norman seconded the motion.

According to the draft minutes from the May 14 meeting, a building on the property will be used to temporarily house animals upon their arrival. The animals will be checked out and prepared for their new destination at the zoo.

The agenda also noted that the property will feature a tree farm and greenhouse to grow food for the animals.