Cornyn criticizes Senate Democrats' reintroduction of failed border bill

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Senator John Cornyn | Official U.S. House headshot

May 22, 2024

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) participated in a press conference with Senate Republican colleagues to address national security concerns related to border security and criticize the recent actions of Senate Democrats. The discussion centered on President Biden's handling of border security and the reintroduction of a previously failed border bill by Senate Democrats.

"The American people are smart, they understand hypocrisy when they see it," stated Cornyn during the press conference.

Cornyn highlighted the estimated number of people crossing the border, saying, "We don’t really know how many people have come across the border, but best estimates are, maybe, nine million, ten million people."

Addressing drug overdose statistics, he added, "We know there are 108,000 people who died of drug overdoses last year; 71,000 died from fentanyl. And now, the Democrats are claiming that they care."

Cornyn also mentioned reports from January about potential terrorist threats: "There were some published reports of people connected with ISIS – the successor terrorist organization to Al-Qaeda – operating out of the Middle East facilitating the travel of migrants to the southern border."

Expressing concern over potential future attacks, Cornyn remarked, "Frankly, I don’t think it’s a question anymore: ‘Will there be a terrorist attack in the United States?’ It’s a question of when that terrorist attack occurs."

He concluded by criticizing what he perceives as inconsistent policies by Democrats: "This is just another aspect of what has turned out to be a horrific policy by the Biden administration. But now they want to claim that they’re the party of border security after three and a half years. Give me a break."