3802 Pleasant Drive
Property Tax (2021): $2,038.17
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.42%
Buyer: Alejandra Garcia and Alejandra Rodriguez (formerly known as)
Seller: Raul Diaz
4900 Spy Glass Circle
Property Tax (2021): $3,407.42
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.49%
Buyer: Olivia Meraz and Carlos Elias Ornelas
Seller: Carl J. and Caroline A. Englestad
2840 Rankin Highway
Property Tax (2021): $5,019.51
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%
Buyer: Santiago and Susie Escontrias
Seller: Bryan J W Banks
3307 Stanolind Ave.
Property Tax (2021): $252.7
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%
Buyer: Cygne Hahn Nemir, Lori Hahn Sherman and Leslie Hahn Standley
Seller: Lawrence H. Hahn (deceased), Peggy Sue Jones Hahn (deceased) and Cygne Lynn Succ Indep / Uwo Nemir (executor) (trustee)
310 Oak Ave.
Property Tax (2021): $5,040.4
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.52%
Buyer: Jose Ramos
Seller: Barbara Jean Hudson
2304 Haynes Drive
Property Tax (2021): $255.94
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%
Buyer: Keaton Curtis
Seller: Shanna Deann Bennett and Chad Gregory
3209 Durant Drive
Property Tax (2021): $2,414.57
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.35%
Buyer: Erin M. and Jordan D. Davidson
Seller: Blaine Joseph and Kendra Michelle Leonard
1706 McKenzie St.
Property Tax (2021): $5,284.99
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.71%
Buyer: Ivan Altamira
Seller: Reynaldo Morales Frausto and Jessica and Jessie Lopez
1008 Osprey Drive
Property Tax (2021): $2,783.31
Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.16%
Buyer: Raymond Armenta
Seller: Consultora Quantum LLC and Uriel Natero LLC