Midland Health launches center for patients with serious illnesses

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Kathryn Lagus | Midland Health

Midland Memorial Hospital APRN Kathryn Lagus recently issued a letter announcing the launch of a Center for Serious Illness and Supportive Care at Midland Health, according to the Midland Reporter-Telegram.

“With deep thanks and appreciation to my family – who have allowed long days, late nights, many weekends – and a lot of big emotions and to my entire work family at Midland Health, I am so proud and grateful to announce that the Center for Serious Illness and Supportive Care at Midland Health is open as an in-patient specialty palliative care service,” Lagus said.

The new center will offer palliative care or specialized health care for people suffering from serious illnesses and their families. It will focus on offering tips for relieving symptoms and stress of serious illnesses.

Lagus will serve as program director.

“As palliative care specialists, we want to know how you best receive information, when the best time of day would be to discuss new information and who you would like to be present for those discussions,” Lagus said.  “Some of us like to know everything, all at once, right now, with or without anyone else to hear it. Others like it in more measured doses.”

The playbook offers information about symptom management, emotional and psychological support, caregiver support and communication facilitators between patients, families and providers.

“It is my hope that after reading this, you better understand what palliative care is and support its need in the Permian Basin. We look forward to further developing this program into one that extends beyond the hospital, and your questions, concerns and feedback are most wanted and welcome,” she said.