Cost of living in Midland lower than Austin, Dallas, and Houston

Sara harris
Sara Harris, Executive Director, MDC |

The Midland Development Corporation (MDC) reported that Midland's cost of living is low compared to other cities across Texas and America. The statement and supporting data can be found on a LinkedIn post from MDC.

"Midland actually has an affordable cost of living that falls below the national average. In comparison to places like Dallas, Austin, and Houston, Midland's cost of living is significantly lower," MDC said in their LinkedIn post.

According to the post, the cost of living in Midland, Texas is “below the national average.” One reason for its affordability, states the post, is the general wealth of the people who live there. The presence and effect of these people make for career starts, reports the post. In fact, the post states that people in Midland have among the “highest personal incomes” across the nation.

Midland, on a scale where 100 is the national average, received a 93.5 for cost of living, according to the post This means that, on average, the cost of living in Midland is lower than other places in the United States.

The post breaks down specific cost categories for Midland, indicating a score for each, again with 100 representing the average. Within the six shown categories, Midland scored above average for cost of utilities and “Misc. Goods & Services” but below average for transportation, healthcare, housing and grocery. Housing, in particular, as shown in the post, was inexpensive, receiving a score of 75.

The “Midland Development Corporation,” according to their website, is an organization that aims to create various opportunities for residents and businesses of Midland through support, education, outreach and activities. It was reportedly founded in 2002 with a mission centered around fostering economic growth within Midland. More information about the MDC, its goals, initiatives and mission statement can be found on the MDC website.