How high did Midland junior tennis player Evelyn Counts rank in Girls’ 14 bracket for singles points in week ending June 18?

Webp tennis 2021 20edited

Evelyn Counts of Midland finished 29,598th in the United States Tennis Association’s Girls’ 14 bracket in the week ending June 18.

They earned four points to finish the week with four single points.

There are 45 USTA players from Midland across all age categories.

Players earn points per round in tournaments, winning higher points the further into a tournament they advance.

Jarett Cascino of New York Tennis Magazine says tennis is one of the most competitive youth sports.

“There is always someone better than you on any given day, even if you are the number one player in the world!” he said.

Standings are released weekly.

Junior Girls’ 14 singles rankings in week ending June 18
NameStarting RankEnding RankSingle Points by week ending June 18
Marisa Stewart3,2563,286549
Harper Colwell10,64110,739126
Kate Hendricks12,87212,98388
Elizabeth Nodolf18,10318,22140
Brinlee Connel21,03321,19428
London Collie22,97623,15720
Railey Vickery24,61724,83116
Marlie Hillman26,19526,39212
Mahathi Chadalavada27,92528,0998
Camille Jeane28,98429,1056
Casey Hopkins28,98429,1056
Evelyn CountsN/A29,5984