TENARIS: Tenaris’s global trainees switch to online classes


Tenaris issued the following announcement.

Twenty-one global trainees participated in the virtual class on Time Management and Productivity on May 14. Under normal circumstances, this course is held in a classroom, with regional delivery through TenarisUniversity.

However, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis motivated TenarisUniversity to look for new approaches. As a result, the format was completely revamped. What was a one-day classroom course was planned with several shorter online virtual classes as well as assignments done virtually with groups of global trainees from Uruguay, Norway, Canada, Romania, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, Italy and the United States.

“We realized early on that certain aspects of our program had to change in order to continue providing learning and development opportunities to global trainees. Despite the present difficulties experienced by countries, companies and individuals around the world, we are taking the long-term view for the development of our employees,” noted Ingrid Urman, Senior Manager for Talent Attraction & Development Processes at Tenaris.

“With the help of our instructors we revised the curriculum and worked to ensure a dynamic learning environment, using both synchronous and asynchronous communication,” shared Emily Maxon, Director of the TenarisUniversity School of Management.

The class on time management was developed in collaboration with Pablo M. Fernández and Martina Rua, journalists based in Buenos Aires and co-authors of the book "La fábrica de tiempo," which explores the subject of productivity. It is the first in a series of four courses to switch from classroom to online delivery. The other courses will cover Resource Management, Conflict

Management and Effective Presentations.

The two-year Global Trainee Program provides nearly 210 hours of learning to participants and takes them through rotation in different roles and functions, with continuous feedback. The program prepares high-potential employees for leadership roles at Tenaris.

To learn about Tenaris’s management plan to address the COVID-19 crisis, please visit https://www.tenaris.com/en/covid19/

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Original source can be found here.