Permian Basin Chinese-American groups initiate PPE drive


Despite the COVID-19 outbreak subjecting many Asians to discriminatory acts, the Chinese-American community in the Permian Basin decided to turn a negative into a positive.

With personal protection equipment scarce, the community took the initiative to collect masks and gloves in a show of support for the men and women in Midland and Ector County working on the front lines.

According to NewsWest9, Chinese-American groups in the Basin collected 9,700 masks, 1,300 gloves and 1,000 N95 masks.

Luke Young, president of the Midland/Odessa Chinese Association, told the station he and many others want to help.

The organization was successful due in part to their connections in China who were able to send the much-needed supplies.

A cardiac anesthesiologist on the front lines himself, Young said the West Texas spirit thrives in the collection efforts. More supplies are on the way, according to the group.