Churches and other faith-based organizations in Midland suspend in-person gatherings

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Out of an abundance of caution, many churches across the nation are choosing to suspend in-person gatherings.

At First United Methodist Church in Midland, service still happened, but there was not an audience in the sanctuary. Members gathered instead around screens from the comfort of their homes and streamed the message on Facebook Live. 

“If we self-isolate,” Pastor Steve Brooks told KOSA, “If we stay away from  one another, if we don’t have large gatherings; that is going to help  keep less people infected, and keep those who are most at risk from  getting sick in the first place.”

At least a half dozen other churches in the area held worship services this way and plan to for at least the next two weeks.

“Back in the 1910's when they had the Spanish Flu, they didn’t have  Facebook,” Brooks said. “I’m sure the isolation felt very paralyzing. So  I’m certain that this is going to ease the blow over these next few  weeks as we’re separated from each other.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourage every faith-based and community organization to cancel large gatherings of 10 or more and implement social distancing. This doesn't mean that the church has to put its mission on hold or act outside of its purpose. The CDC encourages churches to find ways to continue providing services, providing meals and checking in,  to individuals with severe risk of disease while still limiting exposure. 

The CDC also asks that leaders continue to stress basic preventive measures--wash hands frequently, cover coughs and sneezes, stay home when sick and regularly clean frequently touched surfaces. 

More than 500 people usually attend the weekly services at First United Methodist Church in Midland, and the pastors said most of those people tuned in and attended virtually this week. 

“It’s terribly missed,” Associate Pastor Melissa Shuler told KOSA about the usual Sunday routine. “But seeing all the people on Facebook today was  such a blessing to know that we are all in this together.”