Midland Memorial Hospital has announced the birth of the first baby in Midland for 2025. The newborn, Keilani Avery, was born at 4:42 a.m. to parents Hannia Hernandez and Marcos Campa. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz and measured 19 ¾ inches long.
In celebration of this event, the family will receive a gift basket containing various items for both the baby and mother. Contributions to the basket come from several local businesses and organizations.
The hospital expressed gratitude towards these contributors: "Midland Memorial Hospital would like to thank all these businesses and individuals for their donations to our first baby of 2025."
Items in the gift basket include baby toys, teethers, pacifiers, socks from Hope Chest—sponsored by Midland Health and Midland Memorial Foundation—and a blanket, hat, and socks from Nifty Knitters of Midland and the Hospital Auxiliary. Other gifts are Baby's First Ornament from Miss Cayce's, a burp rag, water bottle, one-month pass from The Little Gym, a onesie from Midland Run Crew, as well as a stuffed animal with arrangements by Becky's Flowers.
"Midland Memorial Hospital would like to congratulate the Hernandez and Campa family of Midland on the birth of their new baby girl," stated the hospital in their announcement.