City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Oct. 7

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Robin Poole, City Council Member - At-Large | City of Midland Website

City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Oct. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 300 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas, at 3:36 p.m., October 07, 2024.

Commissioners present: Brennan Berry, Lucy Sisniega, John Burkholder, Emily Holeva, Adrian Carrasco, Abraham Bejil, Steven Villela

Commissioners absent:

Joshua Sparks, Dara Richardson

Staff members present:

Landon Ochoa, Alexis M. Martinez, Daniel Humbert, Beatriz Quezada, Madelim Jaquez, Britton Murry


1. Pledge of Allegiance


Receive comments from members of the public who desire to address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding items on the present agenda for which public hearings will not be held. (Please limit comments to three minutes or less.)


2. Motion approving Planning & Zoning meeting minutes from September 16, 2024

3. Motion approving a Final Plat of Cavender Addition, being a plat of a 10.72-acre tract of land, located in Section 38, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR. Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northwest corner of Deauville Boulevard and Arlington Road) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

4. Motion approving, with staffs recommended conditions, a Final Plat of Northwest Passage, Section 3, being a plat of a 34.104-acre tract of land out of Section 35, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR. Co Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of Laurel Lane, approximately 1,120 feet north of State Highway 191) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson


The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:

5. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Serafin Lopez for a zone change from MF- 22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lot 6, Block 62, Park Avenue Heights Addition, Section 2, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of South Madison Street, approximately 200 feet north of Cloverdale Road.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Britt Murry gave an overview on this item.

Commissioner John Burkholder and Development Services Officer Elizabeth Triggs exchanged comments on why it was zoned incorrectly.

The public hearing was opened at 3:42 p.m.

There was no one wishing to speak on this item.

The public hearing was closed at 3:43 p.m.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

6. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by George A. Bell for a zone change from MF-22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lot 3, Block 61, Park Avenue Heights Addition, Section 2, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of South Tyler Street, approximately 120 feet south of East California Avenue.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Britt Murry gave an overview on this item.

The public hearing was opened at 3:45 p.m.

There was no one wishing to speak on this item.

The public hearing was closed at 3:45 p.m.

John Burkholder moved to approve this request; seconded by Adrian Carrasco.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

7. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Michael Loya on behalf of Tall City Meat Market for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the sale of all alcoholic beverages sales for on-premises consumption in a restaurant, for Lots 1 & 2, Block 8, Kelview Heights, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of North Big Spring Street and West Dormard Avenue.) (DISTRICT 3) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Associate Planner Alexis Martinez gave an overview on this item.

Commissioner John Burkholder asked if there has been any complaints on file for this property. If there is adequate parking for this property to hold a restaurant.

This item got deferred to the October 21, 2024 meeting.

The public hearing was opened at 3:50 p.m.

There was no one wishing to speak on this item.

The public hearing was closed at 3:51 p.m.

Abraham Bejil moved to defer this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sisniega, Sparks, Richardson

8. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by George A. Bell for a zone change from MF22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lot 18, Block 61, Park Avenue Heights Addition, Section 2, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the east side of South Lee Street, approximately 171 feet south of East California Avenue.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Madelim Jaquez gave an overview on this item.

The public hearing was opened at 3:55 p.m.

There was no one wishing to speak on this item.

The public hearing was closed at 3:55 p.m.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

9. Hold a public hearing to consider a request by Legado Construction Group LP, for a zone change from MF-22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lot 3, Block 20, Greenwood Addition, Sections 3, 4 and 5, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of South Tilden Street, approximately 110 feet south of East Washington Avenue) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Beatriz Quezada gave an overview on this item.

The public hearing was opened at 3:59 p.m.

There was no one wishing to speak on this item.

The public hearing was closed at 4:01 p.m.

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson


10. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a preliminary plat of Grassland Estate West, Section 15, being a plat of 22.119-acre tract of land out of the south part of Section 35, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR. Co Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of State Highway 191, approximately 1,550 feet west of West State Highway 158.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Emily Holeva.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sísniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

11. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Entrada Business Park Addition, Section 4, being a plat of a 152.788-acre tract of land located in the southwest quarter of Sections 17 and 20, Block 40, T-2-S, T&P RR. Co. Survey, in part, and a replat of Lot 2, Block 3, Entrada Business Park Addition, Section 3, County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of South FM 1788 and West Interstate 20.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

12. Motion approving with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Gold Sands Addition, being a 125.04-acre tract located in the southeast part of Section 24, Block 40, T- 2-S, T&P. RR. Co. Survey, County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the east side of South County Road 1232, approximately half a mile north of West County Road 140.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

John Burkholder moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

13. Motion approving a reinstatement of an approved Preliminary plat of Tahoe Lakes Addition, Section 4, being a replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Tahoe Lakes Addition, Section 2, in part, and a plat of an 8.915-acre tract of land out of Section 1, Block 39, T-2-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of Albert Avenue, approximately 385 feet east of South Lamesa Road) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

14. Motion approving an instrument vacating the plat of Longview Subdivision, Section 3, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located at the southeast corner of the intersection of North County Road 1275 and West County Road 50.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Holeva, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Sparks, Richardson

With no further items or business to come before the Commission, Chair Sisniega adjourned the meeting at 4:27 p.m.
