Midland County Commissioners Court met Oct. 15

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County Judge Terry Johnson | Midland County Texas Website

Midland County Commissioners Court met Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the court:

A meeting of the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas at which time the following items will be on the agenda; to wit:

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Receive presentation on TWDB update from Parkhill.

5. Discuss and take action on Interlocal Agreement for FY2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award.

6. Discuss and take action on FY2025 SAVNS Grant Contract.

7. Discuss and take action on FY2025 VINE Fifth Renewal Agreement.

8. Discuss and take action on budget amendment for FY2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award in the amount of $10,000.00.

9. Discuss and take action on budget amendment of FY2025 SAVNS/VINE Grant in the amount of $26,748.00.

10. Discuss and take action on Guardian RFID System Agreement Addendum B Amendment.

11. Discuss and take action on Memorandum of Understanding with Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission for office and classroom space at new LEB.

12. Discuss and take action paying Main Event Sports on Air before services are rendered for Halloween Event on October 26, 2024.

13. Discuss and take action declaring the Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy (PBLEA) a public purpose for the Sheriff’s Office.

14. Consent Agenda:

a. Take action on personnel memoranda.

b. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

c. Take action renominating Wesley Bownds to continue to serve as Midland County’s representative on the Midland Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.

d. Take action on court minutes from September 26 & October 1, 2024.

e. Acknowledge Monthly Report for Warrant Services.

f. Acknowledge Monthly Report for Constable Pct 4.

g. Acknowledge Monthly Report for JP 1.

h. Acknowledge Monthly Report for JP 3.

i. Acknowledge accident/damage reports for Risk Management.

j. Acknowledge C&W Fee Collection Report.

k. Acknowledge Detention Fee Report.

l. Take action on Lexis Nexis agreement for the Law Library.

m. Take action on Baker & Taylor DVD Lease renewal agreement.

n. Acknowledge donation of program supplies valued at approximately $12.00 from anonymous donor.

15. Discuss and take action on application for SB 22 – Rural Law Enforcement Grant Agreement. 16. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

17. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

18. Discuss and take action on purchase of EKG machine for Clinic.

19. Discuss and take action on letter to include travel benefit for medical plan.

20. Discuss and take action on mowing services with Toby Robertson.

21. Discuss and take action on Texas State Library & Archives Commission State Fiscal Year 2024 Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Lending Reimbursement Award in the amount of $7,165.00.

22. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for United Way IDD Special Needs Law Enforcement training, November 14 & 15, 2024.

23. Acknowledge donation of $88.64 from Ludus, LLC for Horseshoe.

24. Discuss and take action on budget amendment on $88.64 for Horseshoe.

25. Discuss and take action removing dirt from Horseshoe Main Arena.

26. Discuss and take action on CVENT agreement for Horseshoe floorplan software and annual fee payment of $9,900.00.

27. Discuss and take action on additional funds for equipment and furnishings for District Attorney’s Office.

28. Discuss and take action declaring Rubber Ducks a public purpose for District Attorney’s Office.

29. Discuss and take action repairing damaged Facilities Unit 50142.

30. Discuss and take action on the following job descriptions for Emergency Management: a. Canine Explosive Detection Handler.

b. Investigator.

c. Supervisory Investigator.

31. Discuss and take action on budget funding for Bomb Tech and Canine.

32. Discuss and take action on job descriptions for Public Works - Director of Operations (Road & Bridge).

33. Discuss and take action on job description and grade and step increase for Public Works Administrator.

34. Discuss and take action on plat for Greenwood Country Estates Section 6.

35. Discuss and take action on change order with WTC for design of SCR 1215, Midland County Road Maintenance 2024 project.

36. Discuss and take action on reimbursement agreement with ConocoPhillips for construction of CR 1250 & Anetta Drive.

37. Discuss and take action on task order with Magrym to provide survey for annexation of CR 1250 to City of Midland.

38. Discuss and take action on deed agreement and payment to Jeffrey & Jenette Saenz.

39. Discuss and take action on chilled water coil replacement at Library at the Plaza.

40. Discuss and take action on Jab Window Cleaning.

41. Discuss and take action on Absolute Fire Protection and Monitoring services.

42. Discuss and take action on Redlee Addendum for Facilities.

43. Discuss and take action on RFP 24MCO633 Horseshoe Advertising Space.

44. Discuss and take action on RFP 24MCO637 Open Catering and Alcohol Services and Closed Concession Services for Horseshoe.

45. Discuss and take action on RFP 24MCO638 Grant Writer and Administrator.

46. Discuss and take action on Texas Indigent Defense Commission (TIDC) FY2025 Formula Grant Program Application.

47. Discuss and take action on agreements and payment of budgeted funds to approved non-profit organizations.

48. Discuss and take action on job descriptions for Commissioners’ Court:

a. Public Information Officer.

b. HR Director.

49. Discuss and take action appointing new Justice of the Peace for Precinct 2.

50. Discuss and take action hiring assistant chief of Warrant Services.

51. Discuss and take action on salary increase for Tracy Karst-Culler.

52. Discuss and take action on policies and procedures at Library.

53. Discuss and take action changing Commissioners’ Court Meeting from November 5, 2024 to October 29, 2024.

54. Discuss and take action hiring THK Associates to assist with drafting and releasing of RFQ for a masterplan for proposed municipal golf course.

55. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters.

56. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0725 to deliberate business and financial issues relating to contracts being negotiated.

57. Adjourn.

The next Regular meeting for the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland County Courthouse.

