City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Aug. 19

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Robin Poole, City Council Member - At-Large | City of Midland Website

City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Aug. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 300 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas, at, August 19, 2024.

Commissioners present: Brennan Berry, Lucy Sisniega, John Burkholder, Adrian Carrasco, Abraham Bejil, Steven Villela, Dara Richardson

Commissioners absent: Emily Holeva, Joshua Sparks

Staff members present:

Landon Ochoa, Elizabeth Triggs, Diana E. Geerts, Sarah Yeilding, Britton Murry, Madelim Jaquez


1. Pledge of Allegiance


Receive comments from members of the public who desire to address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding items on the present agenda for which public hearings will not be held. (Please limit comments to three minutes or less.)

Mark Wagner, 2806 Ann Drive, had questions on MISD acquiring Ranchland Hills.


2. Motion approving a Final Plat of West End Addition, Section 34 being a replat of Lot 1 and the east 40 feet of Lot 2, Block 10, West End Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located southwest of the intersection of North E Street and West Texas Avenue.) (DISTRICT 3) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

3. Motion approving a Final Plat of Chaparral Subdivision, Section 2, being the east 100 feet of Lot 15, Block 2, Chaparral Subdivision, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the south side of West County Road 152, approximately 830 feet west of South County Road 1270.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

4. Motion approving a Final Plat of Olvera Addition, being a plat of a 2.32-acre tract of land out of the southwest quarter of Section 26, Block 39, T-2-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located approximately 430 feet east of South County Road 1185, and approximately 1,915 feet north of East County Road 150.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

5. Motion approving a Final Plat of Snively Block Addition, Section 15, being a replat of Snively Block Addition, Section 5, a 2.3-acres tract of land out of Lot 1, Block 3, Snively Black, Section 5, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of Cotton Flat Road, approximately 517 feet northwest of West Francis Street.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks


The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:

6. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Maverick Engineering, on behalf of Betenbough Homes LLC, for a zone change from LR, Local Retail District, in part, TH, Townhouse (Attached) Dwelling District, in part, MF-16, Multiple-Family Dwelling District, in part, SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District, in part, SF-2, Single-Family Dwelling District, in part, SF-1, Single-Family Dwelling District, in part, 2F, Two-Family Dwelling (Duplex) District, in part, to PD, Planned Development District for Housing Development out of a 302.39 tract of land, in Section 18, Block 38, T-I-S, A-734, T&P RY. CO. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Fairgrounds Road and Firewheel Road.) (DISTRICT 1) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planning and Development Officer Elizabeth Triggs gave an overview of the item.

Ronnie Wallace, Betenbough representative, made a presentation answering questions about oil wells, green space, parking, and lot sizes.

Planning and Development Officer Elizabeth Triggs and the Commissioners discussed time frame for road improvements and planned districts.

There were no further questions or discussion.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Adrian Carrasco.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks


7. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of 349 Ranch Estates, Section 26, being a replat of the west 178 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, 349 Ranch Estates, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located northeast of the intersection of State Highway 349 and Tejas.) (DISTRICT 1) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planning Manager Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the item.

There were no questions or discussion.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

8. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Shenandoah Industrial Park, being a plat of a 25.64-acre tract of land situated in Section 16, Block 38, T- 1-S, T&P Co. RR Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the east side of North County Road 1150, approximately 800 feet north of East County Road 50.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planning Manager Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the item.

Commissioner Steven Villela clarified a portion of the plat was for a road easement.

Commissioner John Burkholder and Commissioner Steven Villela discussed how fire hydrants are handled in the county.

There were no further questions or discussion.

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

9. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Highway 158 Addition, Section 1, being a plat of a 64.05-acre tract of land located in the north part of the south half of Section 1, Block 38, T-2-S, T. J. Murphy Survey, A-579, the north part of the south half of Tract 1, Block 38, T-2-S, H. M. Horton Survey, A-1082, and Tract 2, Block 38, T- 2-S, J. M. Rose Survey, A-585, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of South County Road 1140 and East State Highway 158.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planning Manager Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the item.

There were no questions or discussion.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks

With no further items or business to come before the Commission, Chairwoman Sisniega adjourned the meeting at
