Midland Development Corporation Board of Directors met Sept. 9

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Executive director of the Midland Development Corporation, Sara Harris | Linked in | Sara Harris

Midland Development Corporation Board of Directors met Sept. 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call meeting to order.

2. Motion approving the minutes of the August 12, 2024, meeting of the Midland Development Corporation.

3. Motion approving the minutes of the August 26, 2024, meeting of the Midland Development Corporation.

4. Presentation from Space Nation on the Midland Altitude Chamber Complex.

5. Resolution authorizing the execution of an economic development agreement with Starfighters Space Texas, LLC as authorized by Chapter 501 of the Texas Local Government Code; and authorizing payment therefor.

6. Resolution authorizing the execution of a contractor agreement with KBR, Inc. in the amount of $15,000.00 for services related to commercial spaceport development; and authorizing payment therefor.

7. Resolution authorizing execution of a purchase and sale agreement between the Midland Development Corporation and Henderco, LLC for the purchase of certain real property described as 6.484 acres out of Block 1, Lot 2, Parkway South Addition, Section 3, City of Midland, Midland County, Texas; and authorizing payment therefor.

8. Presentation on the August 2024 monthly expenses and economic development activity report from the Midland Development Corporation Executive Director and staff.

9. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.101, the Board of Directors will hold an Executive Session, which is closed to the public to discuss the following matters as permitted under the following Texas Government Code Sections:

a. Section 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property

i. Discuss the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.

b. Section 551.087, Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations

i. Discuss business prospects that the Midland Development Corporation seeks to have, locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Midland, Texas, and discuss possible incentives, and discuss contract compliance on the part of businesses.

