City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Aug. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 300 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas, at, August 05, 2024.
Commissioners present: Brennan Berry, Lucy Sisniega, John Burkholder, Adrian Carrasco, Abraham Bejil, Steven Villela, Dara Richardson
Commissioners absent:
Emily Holeva, Joshua Sparks
Staff members present:
Landon Ochoa, Daniel Humbert, Sarah Yeilding, Britton Murry
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Receive comments from members of the public who desire to address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding items on the present agenda for which public hearings will not be held. (Please limit comments to three minutes or less.)
2. Motion approving the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes for July 15, 2024.
Adrian Carrasco moved to approve; seconded by John Burkholder.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson
NAY: None
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
4. Motion approving a Final Plat of Meissner Addition, being a plat of a 1.072-acre tract located in Section 36, Block 39, T-1-S, T&P. RR. Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located southwest of the intersection of North Lincoln Street and South Street.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
Adrian Carrasco moved to approve; seconded by John Burkholder.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson NAY: None
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:
5. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Midland County for a zone change from LI, Light Industrial District, to 0-1, Office District for Lot 1A, Block 97, Original Town, Section 26, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of South Baird Street and East Indiana Avenue.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
Planning Manager Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the item.
There were no questions or discussion.
Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson
NAY: None
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
6. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by LCA, Inc., on behalf of YMCA of Midland, for a Specific Use Designation Without Term for a Child-Care: Day-Care Center on Lot 1, Block 1, YMCA Addition, Section 1, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Avalon Drive and Mockingbird Lane.) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
Planning and Development Officer Elizabeth Triggs gave an overview of the item.
Development Services staff addressed the Commission's concerns regarding traffic and parking. Deferring questions on road improvements to Engineering.
Engineering discussed road improvements with the Commission.
The public hearing was opened at 3:59 p.m.
Applicant Levi Bryant with LCA on behalf of the YMCA came to answer any questions the commissioners may have.
Christina Bearden, YMCA CEO answered questions from Commissioners regarding the item.
Chair Lucy Sisneiga called on Assistant City Manager Jose Ortiz to speak on the item.
Assistant City Manager Jose Ortiz provided information in response to the road concerns.
Barbra Aylor, Gladiola Ave, voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item.
Jody Bradshaw, 6515 Gladiola Ave, presented documents to the commission and voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item
Commissioners discussed the impact recent road closures and detours had on the neighborhood.
Jennifer Barnhill, 6512 Mockingbird, voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item.
Assistant City Manager Jose Ortiz and Planning and Development Officer Elizabeth Triggs spoke on City of Midland procedures for road closures, improvements, and detours.
Blanca Aguillar, 6512 Mockingbird, voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item.
Assistant City Manager Jose Ortiz reviewed the City's plans for Avalon Dr.
Commissioners shared concerns over private vs public roads and right of way issues.
Chair Lucy Sisneiga and Assistant City Manager Jose Ortiz spoke about impact fees and road maintenance.
Audrey Burkholder, 6406 Mockingbird, voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item.
Chair Lucy Sisneiga and Planning and Development Officer Elizabeth Triggs discussed notification and sign postings for road construction and detours.
Andy Torres, 6413 Los Conchos, voiced her concerns and frustrations over this item.
The public hearing was closed at 5:01 p.m.
Commissioner Stephen Villela made a motion to pass the item with three amendments. After discussion Commissioners Abraham Bejil and Commissioners Brennan Berry added additional amendments. The motion to pass with five amendments failed 4 to 3. There was no further discussion. The commission voted to deny the SUD.
There were no further questions or discussion.
To listen to this item in its entirety, please visit the City of Midland website at The entire Planning and Zoning Commission and City Staff went in depth in their discussion of this item.
Steven Villela moved to amend this request by; seconded by Adrian Carrasco.
The motion failed by the following vote:
AYE: Carrasco, Bejil, Villela
NAY: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Richardson
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
Abraham Bejil moved to deny this request; seconded by Dara Richardson.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Richardson
NAY: Carrasco, Villela
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
6. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of QuikTrip Store 7911, being a plat of a 9.162-acre tract of land out of the south half of Section 6, Block 38, T-2-S, T&P RR. Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located northeast of the intersection of South Fairgrounds and Garden City Highway.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
Senior Planner Daniel Humbert gave an overview of the item.
There were no questions or discussion.
Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson
NAY: None
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
7. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Cavender Addition, being a plat of a 10.72-acre tract of land, located in Section 38, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR. Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the northwest corner of Deauville Boulevard and Arlington Road.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
Senior Planner Daniel Humbert gave an overview of the item.
There were no questions or discussion.
Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Carrasco, Bejil, Villela, Richardson
NAY: None
ABSENT: Holeva, Sparks
With no further items or business to come before the Commission, Chairwoman Sisniega adjourned the meeting at