Pfluger introduces bill aiming at preventing loss of cell service in rural areas

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Congressman August Pfluger | Congressman August Pfluger Official website

Rep. August Pfluger (Midland) has introduced a bill to help remove Chinese equipment from U.S. telecommunications networks. 

The 'Supporting National Security with Spectrum Act,' would provide more funding to reduce Chinese influence in U.S. telecommunications services through a law passed earlier by Congress.  

Without the additional funding, wireless and broadband providers could face significant costs, leading to service blackouts and potential company closures.

“There are over 6,000 sites across the United States in need of this funding, 341 of which are in Texas alone,” Pfluger said.

He said his bill “is vital to our national security and to ensure rural communities do not lose access to basic connectivity.” According to Pfluger, “rural and remote areas would be hit the hardest."

Without his bill, Rep. Pfluger said Chinese equipment provided by Huawei, ZTE and others will remain in U.S. networks, including near military bases and airports. 

Congress enacted the "Rip and Replace" program in 2020 to remove Chinese components from U.S. wireless communications systems, but an additional $3 billion is needed to complete the mission.  Rep. Pfluger’s bill would address the funding shortfall.

Several organizations expressed support for the bill. Tim Donovan, President and CEO of the Competitive Carriers Association said his organization “commends” Rep. Pfluger for introducing the bill.

Other organizations supporting the bill include the Rural Broadband Association, the Telecommunications Industry Association, the Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association, and the Rural Wireless Association.